Easter Activity Success
Empire hosted another successful holiday activity programme over the two week Easter period.Our coaches delivered 18 sessions of boxing and multi-sport activities which had 233 attendances by young people from across Bristol. The sessions gave the young people an opportunity to interact with new friends and build their confidence while developing a new skill. It was great to have more than 37% of young people attending Empire for the first time, all of which expressed interest in coming back to join our junior boxfit sessions during term time.We had some fantastic feedback from parents, one of whom said that the activity programme is the only thing that his 11 year old daughter talked about at home and even expressed an interest in going to the Olympics!A great success of the project was the work we did with a young man who had been going through some difficulties at school, here is what he said about Empire:“I get into lots of trouble at school but I know when I am here (Empire) the coaches help me focus and I find it much easier to get things done.”We are hitting the summer term with enthusiasm and looking forward to our next holiday activities programme which will take place for five weeks over the summer holidays.We must thank Bristol Youth & Community Action (BYCA) who helped fund the programme with the aim to help break down barriers between children from different areas and ethnic groups in Bristol.