Careers training day at leading consulting firm is a big success

A group of young people attended a careers training event at a leading consultancy firm in Bristol this week.
Red Rock Consulting who support businesses through strategic and technological change, opened their doors to five young people from Empire Fighting Chance.
The Clifton based organisation provided an Interview and CV building Training Volume 3 course.

Through our Box Champions and Box Therapy courses we support young people to overcome an array of challenges and issues in their life. We also recognise that what comes next is as important, and see our role as getting young people employment ready and brokering opportunities in the workplace for the next step on their journey.
Our Box Careers programme have various partners from the business world that help us achieve this, and one is Red Rock Consulting.
Based in Clifton in Bristol, they offer bespoke consultancy and recruitment solutions to organisations from the public and private sectors.
We took a group of young people from Empire there for a training day, to complete an Employability Skills Training Volume 3 course.
Mortimer Forrester, Senior Project Resource Lead said : " I was able to guide a friendly and engaging group in figuring out their strengths and achievements, so they could really shine to potential employers."

Florence Dodds, Resourcer added : "I really enjoyed meeting the young people from Empire Fighting Chance, hearing their aspirations and hopefully helping them move towards achieving them through building a CV and interview preparation."
And finally Red Rock on their Linked in page said : "It was a great day and we wish the young people good luck with the job hunting! We hope they are fit for the future."
We agree it was a great day, and everyone left happy and more informed. The young people benefitted a lot from it, learning some invaluable skills which will undoubtedly support their careers journey.
Box Careers Manager at Empire Chris Gale said : "It' great they have learnt these skills, and how to use sites such as linked in to build connections.
The group will be using all these skills in the near future as they apply for jobs and interviewing for college places."
This is part of a series of training and employment opportunities for young people at Empire Fighting Chance.
To find out more about our Box Careers programme click here.