We launch a new podcast show for our tenth anniversary

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Empire Fighting Chance have launched a brand new and exciting podcast.

Presented by Bristol based broadcast journalist Neil Maggs it will see a variety of guests from the world of sport, health, and crime prevention, discussing hot topics that affect young people.

Episodes will air weekly and are available in a range of podcasters from Spotify to Acast to Apple.

The podcast is part of a series of new initiatives to celebrate out tenth anniversary as a charity.

The first episode is with our co-founder and CEO Martin Bisp. He outlines what we do, our history and heritage, and the purpose of the podcast series.

Other guests in the series include global experts on youth violence, mental health practitioners, politicians, policy makers, sport stars and even the odd celebrity!

Martin Bisp and Jamie Sanigar founded Empire Fighting Chance ten years ago. CEO Martin is the guest in the first episode of podcast show.

It's called The Empire Fighting Chance Podcast, and will have tough and robust conversations on important subjects, challenging the sector and society, and exploring the inequalities that young people face today. With the aim as ever to find positive solutions.

CEO Martin Bisp said : " We are very excited about launching a podcast. As an organisation we want to be at the front line of important and sometimes uncomfortable conversations on key issues that affect young people.

So by talking to a range of people from various institutions, we hope this can elevate these messages, build effective partnerships, and support our work with young people. It's obviously been a tough year for Bristol and the country as youth violence increases, so we want to explore and exchange strategies  and insight with experts and anyone who has clear ideas of how to move forward together. And by embracing new technology and using a variety of different platforms, this podcast is one way to do just that. "

Broadcast journalist Neil Maggs who makes documentaries for BBC Radio 4 is presenting the Empire Fighting Chance podcast

Martin added : " And we can’t think of a better person to lead these conversations than Neil, who is a well known voice in the media and someone with a lot of experience of the type of issues being covered, and of course isn’t afraid to ask those difficult questions.

So we are excited, and hope the Empire Fighting Chance podcast will have a real impact. "

The Empire Fighting Chance podcast is part of our tenth anniversary celebrations. So join us as we step up our fight for young people.

You can listen to episode one with Martin Bisp here.