Boxing clubs come together at Empire to make a real impact

Empire hosted boxing clubs from across the country this week.
The two-day event on 16th and 17th of January, saw coaches and founders from London to Norwich to the Midlands, all involved in information sharing and a series of training workshops.
This is the first of four cohort events in 2025, which is part of our national programme partnership with England Boxing and Matchroom in the Community.

The event was an opportunity for boxing clubs to come together to share ideas of good practice, improvement in delivery of programmes, how to attract funding and grow sustainably, and increase revenue stream in schools, youth justice departments, and mental health services. With the lense of ultimately increasing their impact on young people and the communities in which they live.
Key workshops took place on how to: measure impact efficiently; engage with schools; attract corporates; lobby for support from local MPs and councillor’s support; and more widely making the case for boxing and it’s positive influence on the wider community.
Development manager Aaron Morten said: “It was great to start the new year off with six great clubs at the gym. Speaking to the clubs prior to the training and across the two days, it really highlighted to me the importance of boxing clubs in their communities."

He continued: "Boxing clubs naturally attract young people who are at risk of anti-social behaviour or are struggling in school or even don’t have any form of home-support. It’s evident we need to ensure clubs can operate sustainably and continue to keep the doors open, but also work as impactfully as possible.”
Alex Le Guevel, head of Matchroom in the Community, emphasised the value of the new partnership, and the importance of cohort events like this. He said: “Our new partnership with Empire and England Boxing is very exciting, and we are working together over an initial three-year period and supporting boxing clubs up and down the UK to become better versions of themselves."
We are hoping to recruit up to 100 clubs to the network, and days like today are a great chance to bring some of them together. This is the first of four events across the calendar year.”

He emphasised the importance of bringing together clubs in one place, and the value it can bring. “All these clubs will improve by being together, learning from each other, sharing how proud they are of their work, and how proud they are of their communities.
And there will then be a rich data set of this great work, which we can take back up the chain to Government, and hopefully see greater levels of investment dripping back down into grassroots level,” he added.
Boxing clubs in attendance echoed this, with many looking forward to taking new ideas back into their clubs and communities. Nigel Moore and Katie Potts from Norwich City, ABC, a relatively newly formed club took away lots of vital knowledge. Nigel said: “Yeah, it’s been brilliant. Have really enjoyed it, and getting everyone together is a useful idea to do. We have heard and picked up lots of good ideas, and some great ideas today!”

Katie re-iterated this and emphasised their desire to expand their club’s reach. She stated: “The event has been massively useful. You get to know each other, you build bonds and share challenges.”
And it was the whole ethos of Empire Fighting Chance that really made me want to get involved in the network. As a club we want to reach out to more kids and get more involved with more of them through schools. We also want to reach out to new areas and new communities. We want to be able to really extend what we're doing.”
In contrast to Norwich City ABC, the club from Northampton, Wellingborough Boxing Club has a long history, and was founded by Ray 55 years ago. And whilst he had seen lots of changes in that time, the aims of the sport for him remain. He said: “We started back then to mainly get the kids off the streets. That was my ethos and it's still my ethos today. Get the kids off the street, give them something to do, give them confidence. And basically, just get them on the right path, and offer them opportunities.
I have coaches with my today, that were all kids in our club,” he added.

One of these was Jonathon, who had come through the club as a child, competed as an amateur, and is now a lead coach there. He was enjoying the day and said: “We've been just doing a mental health workshop. So, it's just teaching us about different ways to coach people mentally, like just to make sure every age group, every different type of characteristic, like in a person is tended to. Recognising how to tweak what we deliver. Was very useful.”
Whilst the fundamentals of boxing do remain, Ray can see the usefulness in new approaches. He said: “It's good to see other people doing it and the way they do it. Some is different than what we do.
But it all helps, you know, and as old as I am, which is 75, I have still got an open mind and learn new things every day. These youngsters teach me the young way now, which I put together in my old ways.”

Westside Boxing Club in Coventry, enjoyed the practical sessions of delivery too, but were particularly interested in how to grow their clubs impact in new spaces. Head Coach Billy said: “It’s been eye opening to see the relationship of how you can work with schools and the kids. Because obviously it's one thing teaching boxing, but then it's another relating the pad work back to their homework and how they are getting on in school. I found that part interesting, because we haven't worked with young people in schools or anything like that. So, that's a new thing for us.”

He added, “All in all we have learnt lots, and networked well, sharing contacts and stuff. A great couple of days.”
The next boxing club cohort event is on 3rd and 4th April, and Head of Development at Empire, Aaron is really excited to see the network’s growth and development. He stated: “Clubs who are a part of the Powered by Empire network are evidence of how clubs can be run more sustainably, and through our Box Champions programme have a more long-lasting impact on young people.”

Many thanks to the following clubs for attending:
Be Inspired – Croydon
Westside boxing club - Coventry
Apex – Isle of Sheepy
Norwich City boxing club – Norfolk
Wellingborough boxing club – Northamptonshire
Don Davis academy – London
To find out more about our partnership with Matchroom and England boxing click here.