Avon Fire & Rescue Apprenticeship Scheme
In this week’s HELLO FUTURE blog we want to shout about an exciting opportunity for any young person who likes to be active, loves a challenge, and thinks a 9-5 office job is just not for them. Have you ever considered becoming a firefighter? Well now’s your chance!
For the first time ever, Avon Fire & Rescue have announced an Apprenticeship scheme starting in September open to young men and women aged 17+.
Details of the scheme are here: https://www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk/apprenticeship/-416641

Last week we took a group of young people to the state-of-the-art training centre at Hicks Gate Fire Station, Keynsham to find out for ourselves about a career in the Fire & Rescue Service and what the apprenticeships involved.
We learned about the physical challenges Apprentices will be put through: Climbing ladders two storeys high, crawling blindfolded through a tunnel, pulling bodies – well, dummies! – out of wrecked cars, and we got to look around a fire engine… all pretty exciting stuff!

Russ Mitchell and the wonderful team told us about the perks of the job – no day is ever the same, there’s a great team spirit, they get to train in the gym ever day (What! No expensive monthly gym fees?!) and they perform a highly rewarding service to the community. You can’t get more ‘feel-good’ than that. And the pension’s great - it might not seem relevant to a young person to think that far ahead, but it's definitely worth doing. Trust us old people!
Applications for this amazing opportunity are open for the month of May only, so if you’re interested, be quick!
If you work with a young person who would be interested in our exciting employer visits, get in touch with Sharon, Careers Manager -[email protected]