100 Day Challenge - Bristol Half Marathon Photos
The 100 Day Challenge 2019 saw nearly 100 dedicated supporters train for 100 Days before running the Great Bristol Half Marathon for Empire Fighting Chance on Sunday 15th September.

In preparation for their half marathon, each team member was givena professionally-designed 100 day training plan to follow. Growing indifficulty each week whilst allowing suitable periods for rest and recovery,their plans (designed by former Marine and Empire Fighting Chance Coach, DanSmart) enable even those who've never run before to go the distance. Inaddition, runners received complimentary access to BoxFit classes at BristolBoxing Gym to improve strength, and Bootcamp sessions over the summer to tailortheir training and get to know the other runners.
Race day was incredible with friends and family lining the routeto cheer on their loved ones including at our volunteer-led cheer stationsaround the city. The team met outside Las Iguanas, Millennium Square for photosand final good lucks before they headed to the start line.
#TeamEmpire is made up of both experienced and new runners,meaning we had a huge amount of blue vests in every race wave... and one runnerwho decided to push himself even further by running in a pandacostume! After the race we met up with runners at The Spin bar for somewell-deserved drinks at The 100 Day Challenge after party to celebrate theirachievements.
While some of our team have done long-distancerunning in the past, for many, this was the first time they'd ever ran. So wewe're incredibly proud when every single #TeamEmpire runner successfullyfinished the half marathon (in some very quick times too!) and it proves whatyou're capable of with some extra perseverance and determination.
Every runner collected sponsorship from family and friends towardstheir challenge, with a target of £100. A large number of runners more thantripled their target too! In total, #TeamEmpire raised a whopping £12,170 forThe 100 Day Challenge 2019 - every penny of which will help to transform younglives at Empire Fighting Chance.
If you're interested in taking on The 100 Day Challenge 2020,please contact [email protected]