
A partnership with Empire Fighting Chance offers a unique experience. We aim to have as big an impact on the organisations we work with as they have on us, using the knowledge we’ve gained throughout years of developing young people and professional boxing champions.

We can help you inspire and increase customer and staff engagement through our awareness-raising campaigns, staff and customer fundraising, sponsorship and volunteering opportunities. 

Corporate partnerships

A partnership with Empire Fighting Chance means your business will benefit from:

  • Corporate Social Responsibility – Brand loyalty is key, and increasingly the public are driven to spend their hard earned money on companies which help make a difference. By partnering with us, your business will help us make a difference on your behalf.
  • Staff development – Staff will get opportunities to learn new skills through volunteering with us.
  • Improved culture – People will feel proud to work for a company that supports young people.
  • Stronger team – Staff come together while volunteering and fundraising for us.
  • Stronger brand – You will improve your reputation and distinguish yourself from competitors.
  • Social conscience – You will signal a desire to impact on mental health awareness, along with the full spectrum of social issues.
  • Strategic Partner Engagement, plus many other benefits…

team building days

To help businesses and their people gain a real understanding of the work we do with young people, we invite teams into the gym for non-contact boxing sessions. Throughout the visits we show exactly how our techniques change lives, and put them through their paces in a professional boxing gym.

To find out more about what we offer for team building days, email [email protected].


We offer our corporate partners opportunities to volunteer at our gym, from mentoring young people to help them move into the world of work to helping out at one of our fundraising events.

If you would like to find out more about how we could work together in a partnership, please contact our Head of Fundraising Joanna at [email protected].

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