Our Game Plan For the Future

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Empire Fighting Chance have launched an ambitious new strategy.

Our Game Plan lays out our direction of travel for the next three years.

Our future plans reflect the ideas, opportunities and challenges that we have heard through consulting with our team, the young people we work with, parents and local, national and global partners.

Empire founders Martin Bisp and Jamie Sanigar said:

"Through listening to those that matter most to us it became clear that we needed to up our game. Years of austerity, cuts to youth services, COVID-19 and the cost-of-living crisis have combined to create a perfect storm to intensify the disadvantages faced by young people.

We’re most concerned about the steep rise in youth violence in Bristol and other cities. Our new strategy reflects our commitment to do better and to encourage others to do better. Together, we can give young people a fighting chance of overcoming the disadvantage they face to realise their full potential.”

  1. ESTABLISH A GLOBAL CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IN BRISTOL - we’ll get all of our programmes in Bristol operating at the right scale and to a standard where it can be shared with others.
  1. STEP UP FOR OUR COMMUNITY - we’ll take on greater responsibility for improving our local community in Easton and other communities hit by inequality in Bristol.
  1. SHARE OUR WORK NATIONALLY AND INTERNATIONALLY - we’ll expand our network of trained partners who are delivering our work in the UK, and we’ll start sharing our work with partners in other countries.
  1. STAND UP FOR WHAT WE BELIEVE - we’ll increase our profile at a local, national and global level and use our increased influence to inspire systemic changes to create a better future for young people.
  1. GET FIT FOR THE FIGHT- we’ll strengthen Empire’s team, culture and financial sustainability so that we’re equipped to do the best job that we can for young people.

If we are successful, we will transform the lives of tens of thousands of young people and improved the way cities work in communities hit by inequality.

We look forward to working with our various partners to get our strategy off the page and make it real.

You can download a copy of the Our Game Plan here : Empire Fighting Chance  Gameplan 2024-26 

If you would like to explore working together, please drop our Partnerships Manager an email on emily@empirefightingchance.org