Jerk King founder and Chef becomes Empire Community Ambassador

Our next Community Ambassador is someone who is well known in the local inner city area of Bristol, and has been making waves with his food.
A chef, an entrepreneur and business owner, Ashley Burrowes.
Better known as Jerk King, the company he founded, they are seen with their cooking stall at St Pauls Carnival, Bristol Rovers FC and the Malcom X Centre.
Growing up locally, Ashley is familiar with the challenges young people face, and is keen to inform about good nutrition and offer advice on future careers.
We sat down for a chat.
What is your association with boxing, and with Empire Fighting Chance?
My grandfather was ABA champion, Western Counties Champion and English school boys champion , so I was taught to box from a young age. I trained at empire as a boy and Empire had always been home for my family.
Why did you want to become a community ambassador for Empire Fighting chance?
I feel I could give back to the local community and hopefully steer and inspire local youth in right direction.

What do you feel you can bring to the role?
I feel I can be a role model, offer employment opportunities and mentoring.
How important is fresh food to you – and what are its benefits?
We use all fresh ingredients within the business and also have an allotment, so enjoy growing food seasonly alongside using fresh ingredients within our cooking. The benefits are that t’s better for you and tastes better.
How does nutrition impact on behaviour?
Nutrition has a massive impact on behaviour – eating the correct food is fuel for your body to achieve the best you can physically and mentally.
Do working class people eat healthy enough?
I think it’s due to the lack of time, finance and education the reason why working class people don’t eat so good.

What do you think about the amount of fast food places in the inner city?
I would like to see a lot more reasonably priced healthy food options within our communities , as too much fast food is cheap and easily accessible.
Are you a boxing fan, and if so why?
Yes, I used to box as a junior and have boxers in my family and friendship groups.
What is unique about boxing for you?
It give you discipline, keeps you fit and is a great community.
Who is your favourite boxer and why?
Muhammad Ali. As he stood up for his rights, he was an amazing fighter, full of style and great entertainer.
What can boxing bring to young people – contact and non-contact?
It helps young people realise aggression is a controlled environment, it give discipline, it helps fitness and realises energy.

What role can Empire Fighting Chance play to tackle youth violence and knife crime?
Empire has made a massive impact on our local community, intervention within the schools and bringing youth together through a safe space for them to attend.
What advice would you give to young people to stay out of trouble?
Stay in sport, and concentrate on something you enjoy doing and stick at it, and stay in education as long as you can.

Find out more about Jerk King here.
And about our Community Ambassador Project here.