Combatting COVID

Throughout lockdown, we have:
- Supported 636 young people with continued boxing therapy
- Provided 3,797 coaching contact hours
- Worked with 25 schools across Wales and the South West to provide ongoing support for pupils
- Delivered 367 food parcels in partnership with the Pasco Group and its Subway stores
- Provided careers advice for 124 young people
- Launched our content hub
This includes original video content covering:
- Fitness workouts
- Boxing technique
- Personal development points
- Careers advice
Helen, our Family Liaison Officer, reports that families are struggling during this time, often citing our involvement as having a positive impact on their daily routines. It has been encouraging to see parents comment on how our work has helped bring families together.
As the lockdown eases we are faced with greater concerns about the future. A recent government report highlighted that a number of young people we work with live in communities of massive poverty, something that we believe will get worse.
This view is shared by our ambassador and Bristol’s Mayor, Marvin Rees who was quoted by Adam Poston of Bristol Live as stating:
“This is the biggest health crisis in a century. The unemployment and inequality from the economic downturn that will result from the consequences of us tackling Covid will in and of themselves generate a public health challenge of major proportions. The virus is disproportionately hitting poor people, those people living in the most cramped conditions, those least able to socially distance or isolate, those with pre-existing health conditions.
Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol
The actions we take will disproportionately impact on those least able to afford it – those living on the economic margins, those being tipped over the edge into needing food banks and signing up to Universal Credit. Those people are going to carry the price for this.”
Even during these difficult times we are humbled by the number of people and funders continuing to support Empire Fighting Chance.
People took part in the 2.6 challenge and we launched Marathon for May to raise money.
We hope everyone stays safe and if you need any more information or support, please contact us on either: [email protected] or ring 0117 4523333

Jamie Sanigar & Martin Bisp